Friday 16 March 2012

Is 'kids fashion' An Oxymoron?

Posted by Horn Ok Tees in - 0 comments

Children are supposed to be beacons of innocence in a world imploding with fakery. But no, they haven't been spared. Now there are mega-brands that are selling everything from mini skirts to tiaras to spoil little girls senseless. It was a relief in the initial stages that the little guys had been spared the madness of choices. But damn no, we think way slower than the fashion express. From milk-sucking tots to pre-teeny boppers, the style epidemic has slain all of them.

So it's a surprise to come across a cherubic kid wearing a smart, appropriately cheeky tee that instantly makes you go "awwww"! There was one, sadly online, picture of a wild-haired little cutie wearing the most amazing tiny tee. It said "Still living with my parents". Now that's hilarious! It is cute, funny, so insanely smart and ironic, that you want to just scoop up the kid and give him a mighty hug. Only after seeking the parents' permission of course!

But then the point is this - are there still funny, cutesy tee-shirts available for kiddos? Where are they? Have they been buried under the pink and blue boulders? Please let's have them back. Because it is so ridiculously cute to see a little man wearing a 'Rockstar' tee-shirt. It is infinitely cooler to see a little girl wearing a T shirt saying Hello Kitty, than sporting a sickeningly pink image of, sigh, Hannah Montana. It is so much better to see tiny citizens wearing mini Police/The Doors/Bob Marley tees than adults who wear them without an iota of idea who those people are. Let them wear black and grey and green and canary yellow. Why impose any ill-thought colour coding based on genders. Tee-shirts keep the little ones comfy, without robbing them of their rightful cuteness. 

When it comes to kiddie Fashion T Shirts, please bring back the old and the plain and the simple! Let's celebrate the bunnies and the fairies and even the unicorns. Let there be that brilliant equilibrium which adult fashion is sorely missing - a mix of expected cuteness and sometimes, the funky quirkiness.


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